WPE appeared to be quiet in Matt’s attacks on them, but in a (probably expected) judo move they have now leveled some serious accusations against Automattic and its CEO, Matt Mullenweg. It seems the WordPress co-founder has stirred up a storm that’s less about building websites and more about building empires. WPE’s legal team has painted a picture of threats, defamation, and power plays that would make even the most dramatic tech thriller seem tame.

Here’s the C&D letter:

WP Engine alleges several instances of outrageous behavior by Automattic and Matt Mullenweg:

  1. Extortion Attempt: Mullenweg allegedly threatened a “scorched earth nuclear approach” against WP Engine if they didn’t pay Automattic a large sum of money before his WordCamp US keynote address.
  2. Financial Coercion: Automattic’s CFO reportedly demanded that WP Engine pay a significant percentage of its gross revenues to Automattic, ostensibly for a trademark license.
  3. Harassment: Mullenweg sent a barrage of harassing text messages and calls to WP Engine’s board member and CEO, threatening to “go nuclear” if demands weren’t met.
  4. Public Defamation: During his WordCamp keynote, Mullenweg allegedly made false and disparaging statements about WP Engine, including claims that they “feed off” the WordPress ecosystem without giving back.
  5. Employee Intimidation: Mullenweg suggested WP Engine might fire employees for supporting WordPress, offering to help find them new jobs.
  6. Customer Interference: Mullenweg encouraged WP Engine customers to not renew their contracts and switch to other hosts.
  7. Trademark Misrepresentation: Mullenweg falsely claimed WP Engine was misusing the WordPress trademark.
  8. Continued Smear Campaign: After WordCamp, Mullenweg continued to make false statements on various platforms, including WordPress.org and the WordPress admin dashboard.
  9. Abuse of Power: WP Engine accuses Mullenweg of abusing his conflicting roles as both Director of the non-profit WordPress Foundation and CEO of for-profit businesses competing with WP Engine.

These allegations paint a picture of what WP Engine describes as a coordinated campaign of threats, defamation, and business interference by Automattic and Matt Mullenweg.

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