One response suggests an alternative governance structure for WP:

While I love WordPress, I sadly no longer trust it as a CMS. Here’s what I would love to see happen:

  • The top companies (@wpengine, @elemntor, @bluehost, etc, etc) fork WordPress and pledge financial support for an entirely new foundation • Importantly, governance should be truly independent. Voting rights could be earned by developer hours or plugin contributions, but no single person or company could any longer make unilateral decisions
  • @Cloudflare could donate capacity to this new entity If setup correctly, we could have a true community-driven non-profit supported by *distributed* for-profit enterprises, and create a cherished web resource not unlike the Internet Archive or Wikipedia Foundation.
Cyrus Shepard

Some think that this could be WP’s “MovableType moment”:

You cannot simply decide that someone owes you money because they become successful. Shame on you.

Darth Geoff

New term just landed: “de-Mattifying”.

WP Accessibility Team meetings suspended until further notice:

WP Fusion files C&D against WP:

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